The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live (1 Kings 4:31). According to Constative , his Net Worth was over $2 TRILLION. I think that makes him qualified to give some financial advice. I know there is some debate over whether or not Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, so just in case he didn’t we can use the alternate title of: ‘Financial Lessons from someone wise. ‘ 1. Money Does Not Satisfy He who loves money with not be satisfied with money… – Ecclesiastes 5:10 Loving money is a dangerous thing. Some people spend their entire life chasing more and more money thinking that it will bring them satisfaction, only to never actually attain the satisfaction they were searching for. True satisfaction only comes from God . It doesn’t come from getting married, a bigger house, a Mil in the bank, or being retired. What is interesting is that when we take our focus off of getting more money and more things, then the...
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