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Showing posts from February, 2016

4 Financial Lessons From Solomon

The Bible says that Solomon was the richest man who ever lived and also the wisest ever to live (1 Kings 4:31). According to Constative , his Net Worth was over $2 TRILLION.  I think that makes him qualified to give some financial advice. I know there is some debate over whether or not Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, so just in case he didn’t we can use the alternate title of: ‘Financial Lessons from someone wise. ‘  1. Money Does Not Satisfy He who loves money with not be satisfied with money… – Ecclesiastes 5:10 Loving money is a dangerous thing. Some people spend their entire life chasing more and more money thinking that it will bring them satisfaction, only to never actually attain the satisfaction they were searching for. True satisfaction only comes from God . It doesn’t come from getting married, a bigger house, a Mil in the bank, or being retired. What is interesting is that when we take our focus off of getting more money and more things, then the...

Christian Encouragement Quotes

I love inspirational quotes from other Christians. Write one of these quotes down and try to read it a few more times today. God will not be absent when His people are on trial; he will stand in court as their advocate, to plead on their behalf.   — Charles Haddon Spurgeon You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are .  –Max Lucado Be assured, if you walk with Him and look to Him, and expect help from Him, He will never fail you .  –George Mueller The stars may fall, but God’s promises will stand and be fulfilled.   –J. I. Packer

Go To Church

My Friends It's Sunday, the last Sunday of the month of February 2016. Sundays provide us the opportunity to go to Church And no matter what you have slated to do today No matter what your condition is No matter your predicament Go to Church In the era gone by, the Church was a place where "brethren gathered to commune together and to share bread" The Church provided the unbeliever an example of what believing was all about and enabled him to believe The Church was a place where burdens were lifted, sorrows were dispersed and joy and happiness were multiplied In that era, the Church was in the world Even though the world is now in the Church of today, STILL go to Church God still answers prayers It's our #DependableSunday and our God is still very much DEPENDABLE Have a pleasant Sunday #IHIMBlog

Hymn For Today

Jesu my Lord, my God, my All Hear me Blest Saviour when I call Hear me and from Thy Dwelling Place Pour down the riches of Thy grace Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu too late I Thee have sought How can I love Thee as I ought And how extol Thy matchless fame The glorious beauty of Thy Name Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu what didst Thou find in me That Thou hast dealt so lovingly How great the joy that Thou hast brought So far exceeding hope or thought Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu of Thee shall be my song To Thee my heart and soul belong All that I have or am is Thine And Thou Blest Savoiur, Thou are mine Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more

One Day At A Time

I know it is difficult for us to reconcile ourselves to the fact that one day we shall transit out of this plane into a higher plane, but it is an incontrovertible fact worthy of acceptance by all who want to live worthy lives. The message is simply simple, we don't have all the time in this world and so we must have to maximize the time we have because time inappropriately spent can never be called back. Time is a perishable commodity. And that is why living "one day at a time" makes lots of sense. Now this phrase does not in any way indicate that we cannot plan for the future or take adequate care for tomorrow, it only means that we should get each day filled with activities that are paying us better eternal dividends than the mundane. One day contains 24 hours and quite a lot can be achieved within it. I have always subscribed to the adage that says "live today as if it was your last" and in practicing this saying, I try to ens...

He Hears Us When We Call On Him

When things are going well with you, when you have all you ever wanted, it is very easy to think that it was our will and power that got those things for us, but in actual sense, it is the grace of God that made it possible for us to keep shinning. Now contrast that with when we are down but not out, when all things seem herculean, when we think that there's no hope left, when we think that God has gone on an indefinite leave concerning us and the numerous problems facing us; when we ask that eternal question "God, where are You?" It would become very clear that even when we think that all hope is lost and that our case is really hopeless, there is still some hope left because it is at the point when a man's strength has been well spent that God's strength takes over. God hears us, and that is always. Whether we mouth it or we groan over it in our hearts, He hears and He answers. It's #CourageousThursday and today I urge you to deve...

He Lives In Me

You know, growing up was quite fun for us, especially in the Sunday School. I remember the Sunday School Teachers telling us that God lives in us and we were like, how could such a Big God live in us and yet allow us to be us? It was a question that some of the Teachers found very uncomfortable to answer but one day, one of the Older Teachers sat us all down and told us the story of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. She said that when the universe was void and in darkness, the God Head had a Conference where it was decided that, some meaning has to be made out of the Universe so that it can sustain life and so they went ahead to create the Earth and the Heavens and all that there are in them. And when they were done with all the creations, they formed man out of the dust of the earth by that eternal call made by God saying "Come, let US create man in Our Own Image and Likeness....." She made us to understand that God is not a phys...

Hymn For Today

Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the Throne Ten thousand thousand are their tongues But all our joys are one Worthy the Lamb that died they cried To be exalted thus Worthy the Lamb our lips reply For He was slain for us Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and Power divine And blessings more than we can give Be Lord for ever Thine Let all creation join in one To bless the Sacred Name Of Him that sits upon the Throne And to adore the Lamb

Our God Is Really Dependable

I have always known God from Childhood, not as the Father Christmas that most persons take Him to be now, but as the Father of Creation, my very own Creator without Whom I would never have made it into this world. I have come a long way with Him but I have never taken Him for granted. I have always known Him to be walking alongside with me, and I have also known that there were times when I was too weary to walk and yet I walked because His Able Hands lifted me up. Sometimes I have been down but not out, and it would only take a nudge from Him to keep me on my feet again I have lost properties I have lost money I have been conned I have been blackmailed I have been derided I have been laughed at I have been insulted I have been assaulted I have been embarrassed The one with whom I ate out of the same plate had stabbed me at my back And many others But this God had been there for me He had always given me His Spirit to calm the troubled ...

Hymn For Today

At Thy Feet O Christ we lay Thine Own gift of this new day Doubt of what it holds in store Makes us crave Thine aid the more Lest it prove a time of loss’ Mark it Saviour with Thy Cross If it flow on calm and bright Be Thyself our Chief delight If it bring unknown distress Good is all that Thou canst bless Only while its hours begin Pray we keep them clear of sin We in part our weakness know And in part discern our foe Well for us before Thine  Eyes All our danger open lies Turn not from us while we plead Thy compassions and our need Fain would we Thy Word embrace Live each moment on Thy grace All ourselves to Thee consign Fold up all our wills in Thine Think and speak and do and be Simply that which pleases Thee Hear us Lord and that right soon Hear and grant the choicest boon That Thy joy can e’er impart Loyal singleness of heart So shall this and all our days Christ our God show forth Thy praise

We Are So Blessed

It is really human nature to complain, to compare, to whine, to grunt and to blame When we don't get what we want, even if we have all we need, we complain We whine when things are not going our way We compare ourselves with those in the same "Social Class" as us, how they are doing far better than us We grunt when we are disappointed by those we love And we blame everything else for our misfortunes but ourselves. If only we can take out time to check out what God has done for us, then we would know that whenever we complain or whine or grunt or compare or blame, we actually are acting more like unbelievers. This God gave us the most important things of life for free - the air that we breathe in, the sun that shines (both for the wicked and the good), the rain that falls to water the ground for crops to grow, the green leaves at their season This God that continually brings us back to the land of the living no matter where we went t...

We Are Alive!!!!

Oh Glory! Glory!! Glory!!! And God has done it again. He brought us from the land of the spirits to this land of the living and into His Banqueting Hall and all because His Banner over us is Love. God's love continues to be manifested in our lives even when we don't deserve it. How many earthly parents would forgive their children for going astray several times? but in His infinite mercies, God allows His love to overflow over us despite the single fact that we have continually continued to do that which He had asked us to refrain from. It surely takes courage to live the godly way It's our #CourageousThursday and today we pray that you find the courage you need to overcome the things of the flesh. Adios, Adios #IHIMBlog

It's All About God's Grace

You know the way people go on to boast of how they made themselves what they are today? How they were able to extricate themselves from limiting environments and surroundings to a plain where they can afford what they want when they want them? How while others were sleeping, they were busy ploughing the fields? I used to think that way too, and sometimes acted it out but then somewhere along the line, the Spirit that dwells within opened my eyes to behold that: "the race is not to the swift, neither is victory to the strong" but that time and circumstance happens to us all and that it is the Grace of God that lifts a man out of the woods when his hands are already in the open space. And I know that this is true because lots of people have passed through motions that ought to extricate them from their lack syndrome but the Grace is yet to shine on their path. When God's Grace shines on your path, you just possess the midas touch and all you ...

Thank God For Life

It's our #SuperlativeTuesday and we are happy to be in it. It is recorded in the Scriptures that when God molded man out of the dust of the earth, man was lifeless but when the Spirit of God gave the breath of life to man, man became quickened and received the gift of life and thus became a living being. Therefore all "life" belongs to God, Who Alone has the Power to give and to take. Whenever you go in at night and wake up again in the morning, you must know that it is the Grace of God and you just have to keep thanking Him. Today, we are thanking God for life Join us Live out your day today with courage; remember that nobody or idea can rent a part of your head without your consent. Enjoy life #IHIMBlog

Marriage In Graphics - Must Read

And Yet Another Victory

  Hello Friends We have scored another victory. We have been brought back to the land of the living to continue to glorify God in this our #Victorious #Monday. What else can we say? But to say "Thank You Lord" If you have not said it today, then you really have not started the day Say it now "Thank You Jesus" He is the Only One worthy of your worship and your whole hearted thankfulness It's our Victorious Monday Let's go out there and really break every chain that still keeps us bound Have a terrific day #IHIMBlog

Encouragement Through God’s Promises

The promises that come in God’s word are sure to encourage you in your walk with Christ today.   The Promise of Eternal Life John 6:47  Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.    God’s Faithful Deuteronomy 7:9   Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations   God promises To Guide Us Psalm 32:8   I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.   All Scripture Is Inspired From God- The Bible Is The True Word Of God 2 Timothy 3:16-17   All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. God Hears Our Prayers 1 John 5:14  And this is t...

Hymn For Today

Pleasant are Thy courts above In the land of light and love Pleasant are Thy courts below In this land of sin and woe O my spirit longs and faints For the converse of Thy saints For the brightness of Thy Face For Thy fullness God of grace Happy birds that sing and fly Round Thy altars O Most High Happier souls that find a rest In a Heavenly Father’s breast Like the wandering dove that found No repose on earth around They can to their ark repair And enjoy it ever there Happy souls their praises flow Even in this vale of woe Waters in the desert rise Manna feeds them from the skies On they go from strength to strength Till they reach Thy Throne at length At Thy Feet adoring fall Who hast led them safe through all Lord be mine this prize to win Guide me through a world of sin Keep me by Thy saving grace Give me at Thy Side a place Sun and Shield alike Thou art Guide and guard my erring heart Grace and glory flow fro...