Tuesday May 30 Bible Reading: 2 Kings 2: 7 - 18 Topic: Be Alert In The Spirit We often express desires but lack the courage to carry them through into action. Elisha knew what he wanted from his Master and was determined to obtain it. He left everything to follow Elijah even when one could describe the action as reckless courage (1 Kings 19: 19 - 21). Crossing the river Jordan without knowing how he would return was enough to prove to Elijah that he was highly determined and so after Elijah asked him to make his request (v. 9) Elisha's request for the double portion of his Master's Spirit proved that he desired to continue and go higher in the spiritual footsteps of Elijah. He saw Elijah taken up - which was the condition for the blessing - and he received what he asked for. God sees our hearts, knows when we are serious in our prayer request and the faith with...
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