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Showing posts with the label Relationship

Daily Fountain 2017 - 1 + 1 = 1

Monday May 8 Bible Reading:      Gen. 2: 18 - 25 Topic:          1 + 1 = 1 In Gen. 1: 26, God said, "Let us make man." This shows that there is a Fellowship within the Godhead. As a result, God desired the same blessing for Adam and noted that it was not good for him to be alone. He created man in His Own Image; therefore man would not be fulfilled without someone to complete him. God created Eve to complete Adam and provide him with companionship, fellowship and intimacy. In marriage, a wife complements the husband for the fulfillment of God's purposes, and as v. 24 shows, God's original intention for man was not just monogamy, but a life-long union. Polygamy and divorce were never part of God's original design in marriage. The man and his wife were naked and were not ashamed ... a reference to transparency and innocence. In many marriages today, husbands and wives...

Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Written by:     Mike Johnson If you insist on mapping out your own strategy, you will miss the intended goal, and the real joy of participating in His plan. As an entrepreneur, seeking to know God's will in your life, and adjusting your life to it, looks different from developing your own personal action plan. Here are several guidelines for discerning God's will in most any situation: First, plan in advance to respond to God and to others in respect and obedience. This practice will sharpen your faith and patience. There is no point in seeking God's will if you are not committed to obeying it. (Luke 6:46) Your replies are the foundation of long term relationships, which are crucial in future growth and development spiritually and in the business world. Let God into your heart and become a vessel unto Him. Second, be prepared to wait. Patience is key to listening and acknowledging what God is saying to you. Knowing when to do something is ...

Marriage In Graphics - Must Read