Tuesday November 14 Bible Reading: Eph. 4: 25 - 32 Topic: Carry Over Is Not Allowed (Part Two) We continue today on Paul's teaching on putting off the old man and putting on the new man. This time around more vices that are associated with the old man are mentioned that we are required to put off. Interestingly, wherever he lists a vice to be "put off", he gave a virtue to be "put on" Lying is replaced by truth (v. 25) Anger is replaced by reconciliation (vs. 26, 27) A person who once robbed goes to work (v. 28) Harmful words give way to helpful ones (vs. 29) Bitterness, wrath, anger and insults give way to tender-heartedness, forgiveness (vs. 31, 32) Verse 30 stands out in the list "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption" The Holy Spirit Who sees our hea...
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