Wednesday July 26 Bible Reading: Rev. 3: 14 - 22 Topic: No Room For Lukewarmness Lukewarmness in this context can simply be defined as lack of passion for the faith which we profess. This was the problem of the Laodicean Church and is one of the greatest challenges facing the body of Christ today. In this message, the Lord deplores their lukewarmness and warns of its dire consequences in the Kingdom life. "I am ready to spit you out of My Mouth" (v. 16) was His verdict on the Laodiceans who felt alright with their spiritual lives. It doesn't matter what you think about yourself or what wonderful things everybody is saying about you, what is most important is what the Lord thinks about you. Like the Laodiceans, the Lord sees into our lives and knows our true condition and only His assessment matters for our s...
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