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Showing posts with the label Faith

Daily Fountain 2017 - 041117 - Christian Growth In Faith And Unity

Saturday November 4 Bible Reading:     Eph. 1: 15 - 23 Topic:                  Christian Growth In Faith And Unity In the prayer for the Church at Ephesus, which we find in today's reading, Paul commends them for their faith in the Lord and their love for Christians everywhere. In contrast, the modern day Church is tragically divided along national, ethnic, cultural and denominational lines. As a result Christians lose focus on the Centrality and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This lack of unity not only stunts the Christian's growth because he cannot fathom the depth of the love of Christ by which he was redeemed, it also makes the Body of Christ unable to take a united, principled stand against the onslaught of doctrines and philosophies and other forms of attack against the Church's 'ministry of reconciliation' Dear Christian, can it be sai...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Divine Protection

Saturday August 12 Bible Reading:      Rev. 12 : 1 - 6 Topic:                   Divine Protection Today, the Apostle John describes his vision of a pregnant woman in labour pains. She gave birth to a Son who would rule all the nations (v. 5). Before the Child was born, evil forces were already prepared to destroy Him (v. 4), but the Child was protected by being miraculously snatched up to God (v. 5) This is similar to the events described in Matt. 2 concerning the birth of Jesus. King Herod had planned to kill Jesus when he learnt of His birth and mission but God delivered Him miraculously (Matt. 2: 13 - 15) In the same manner, God has continued to protect us His Children from the plans of the enemy to destroy us. God has prepared a place to take care of us and put His Shield around us; He is our Shepherd ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Walk In The Lord

Sunday July 30 (Trinity 7) Bible Reading:      Gal. 5: 16 - 26 Topic:                   Walk In The Lord Paul laboured among the Galatians, teaching them the Gospel of salvation by grace alone. Unfortunately, other teachers came after him to teach that they needed faith in Christ plus their own human effort. This upset Paul so greatly that he denounced these teachers of what he called "another gospel" in the strongest possible terms, saying they should be accursed (Gal. 1: 6 -9) He pointed out to the Christians that no one can be justified by works (2: 16) because if that were possible then Christ would have died in vain (2: 21) He went on to show them that the problems they were having in their lives and fellowship was because rather than rely on the power of the Spirit, Who alone can help them live godly live...

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Covenant Keeping God

Monday June 19 Bible Reading:      Gen. 17: 15 - 27 Topic:          The Covenant Keeping God Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah, 90 years when God appeared to Abram and promised to give him a child (v. 12) and gave also the covenant to make him a father of many nations (v. 4). God changed Abram's name to Abraham (that is from "a father" to "a father of nations". v. 5) Verses 23 - 27 show the fulfillment of the covenant of circumcision by Abraham and his entire household. In doing this, Abraham moved the Hands of God Who in turn blessed him at the appointed or set time. The God of Abraham is still very much alive and active. He will meet all your needs as you approach, ask, trust and submit to Him through Jesus Christ. God has set dates and times in life. Prayer O God of Abraham, help me to walk with You daily by faith as I go through life, Ame...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Don't Give Up

Saturday May 20 Bible Reading:      Gen. 16: 1 - 6 Topic:          Don't Give Up It takes maturity and strong determination to take good decisions in time of pressure and controversy. If pressure is not managed, it overshadows faith and hope. Sarai took a wrong step by giving Hagar her maidservant to Abram. She told Abram her husband "Go sleep with my maidservant, perhaps I can build a family through her (v. 2) In his desperation, Abram lost sight of God's promises and cooperated with the plan. Hagar became pregnant and viewed her position as an advantage over her barren mistress and so began to despise her. Surprisingly, the same Sarai who gave Hagar to Abram turned back to blame Abram for Hagar's misconduct Avoid unnecessary short cuts. The devil is always involved in all things illegal. Learn to follow God's program no matter the pressure. Don't cast away your confi...

Faith Is ......

Give Faith It's Space

Faith Can Move Mountains

For without faith it is impossible to serve God This is our testimony