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Hymn For Today

At Thy Feet O Christ we lay
Thine Own gift of this new day
Doubt of what it holds in store
Makes us crave Thine aid the more
Lest it prove a time of loss’
Mark it Saviour with Thy Cross

If it flow on calm and bright
Be Thyself our Chief delight
If it bring unknown distress
Good is all that Thou canst bless
Only while its hours begin
Pray we keep them clear of sin

We in part our weakness know
And in part discern our foe
Well for us before Thine  Eyes
All our danger open lies
Turn not from us while we plead
Thy compassions and our need

Fain would we Thy Word embrace
Live each moment on Thy grace
All ourselves to Thee consign
Fold up all our wills in Thine
Think and speak and do and be
Simply that which pleases Thee

Hear us Lord and that right soon
Hear and grant the choicest boon
That Thy joy can e’er impart
Loyal singleness of heart
So shall this and all our days

Christ our God show forth Thy praise


  1. To do, to be, to think and to work only that which the Lord wants us to; that should be our prayer on daily basis


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