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Showing posts with the label Walking By Sight

Daily Fountain 2017 - Walking By Sight

Sunday April 23 1st Sunday After Easter Bible Reading:      John 20: 24 - 31 Topic:          Walking By Sight When Jesus first appeared to the disciples, Thomas Didymus was not there. When told by the other disciples that they had seen the Lord, Thomas would not believe until he had personally seen Jesus and touched Him. He wanted to walk by sight. Jesus satisfied his curiosity. On the occasion of His next appearance, the door of where the disciples were was closed as in the first time, He appeared before them without any hindrance. Thomas personally saw Jesus - the evidence of resurrection standing before him - and believed. Are you "a Thomas" of our time? Are you one of those who demand miracles or visible signs as evidence of God's Power? Jesus expects you to grow in faith which comes by hearing His Word (Rom. 10: 17) "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, ...