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Showing posts with the label Divine Deliverance

Daily Fountain 2017 - Divine Deliverance

Tuesday August 15 Bible Reading:      Rev. 12: 13 - 17 Topic:                   Divine Deliverance The devil now makes three vicious attempts to destroy the woman and her children. These are pursuing the woman (v. 13) raising a flood of water to sweep her away (v. 15) and making war against the rest of her offspring (v. 17). It is comforting to note that in each case the Lord provided divine deliverance (vs. 14 - 16) Frustrated by his inability to destroy the woman, the devil responds by making war against the woman's people. This teaches us two truths 1.       Though defeated by Christ on the Cross of Calvary, he (the devil) still wars against Christ's people through persecution, trials, health challenges and other difficulties (1 Pet. 5: 8) 2.       Th...