Wednesday June 21 Bible Reading: Gen. 18: 16 - 28 Topic: Learning To Intercede For Others Burdens and ideas are usually shared with friends and loved ones. As a friend of God, Abraham was informed of what God was about to do in Sodom (v. 17) God will not do a thing without first revealing it to His Prophets and People. Abraham interceded with God on behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah. Note the remark in verse 23 that God will not sweep away both the righteous and the wicked people. If only for ten righteous people, God was prepared to spare Sodom and Gomorrah (v. 32) The petitions of Abraham from verses 24- 32 were very challenging. This can measure with the intercessions of Moses and Samuel (Ex. 32: 9; 1 Sam 7: 5 - 10) We are challenged to pray and intercede over issues that concern our families, the Church, the Nation e.t.c. It is only God that has the answers ...
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