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Showing posts with the label God's Grace

Daily Fountain 2017 - 1310 - Prevailing

Friday October 13 Bible Reading:     Rom. 11: 1 - 10 Topic:                  Prevailing Today's reading shows Paul's presentation of himself as an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin, an accredited rich Jewish heritage. On the other hand, as a believer, it was meant to give comfort and hope to a people who had once rejected their own (Jesus) and neglected the gospel (Salvation). The Scripture says "For the Children of Israel have forsaken Your Covenant, torn down Your Altars and killed Your Prophets with a sword" (1 Kings 19: 10) The Israelites thought that they have been condemned by God, Paul then rose to correct their false impression in verse 1 "I say then, has God cast away His People? Certainly not" God has not condemned us forever. He hasn't; His grace prevails over us and in all situations, not minding our si...

Daily Fountain 2017 - 0610 - The Grace Of God

Friday October 6 Bible Reading:     Rom. 9: 24 - 33 Topic:                  The Grace Of God The Jews were the chosen people of God who witnessed His mighty acts in Egypt for forty years of their journey in the wilderness. Nonetheless, they rejected God, but it was so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled. A small remnant of the Jews will be saved (Isa. 10: 2 - 23) The Jews sought righteousness but did not find it, while the Gentiles who were not searching for it, found it. Israel tried to be saved by works and not by faith. They rejected "Grace Righteousness" and tried to please God with the "law's righteousness" Israel's rejection, means the Gentiles salvation. Their fall made possible the salvation of the Gentiles by the grace of God. All non-biological Jews in today's world are the Gentiles. God's offer of salvation is not to only biol...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Quadruple Blessings

Tuesday October 3 (Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther's Day) Bible Reading:     1 Pet 5: 1 - 13 Topic:                  Quadruple Blessings Peter has addressed several issues in today's reading which concern both the old and the young. Our generation wants to serve God without suffering, but Peter has made it clear that Christians should endure suffering. Serving God should be from a sincere and a willing heart and not for any selfish reason. Peter also emphasized on humility. Humility and fear of God take care of all human aspirations including wealth, honour and life (Prov. 22: 4) Paul encourages us to have this attitude in us which was also in Christ Jesus (Phil. 2: 5). The truth is that he is not a lion, we have the Lion of Judah in our midst. Moreover the enemy is not devouring anyone he sees, but seeks to devour those that do not know God o...