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Showing posts with the label Psychology

The Place Of Destiny

By:     Chukwuneta Obiageli What brings about stress in life is our insistence on having life dance to our tunes…even when things are destined to play out differently for us.  So, instead of being ‘accepting’ and finding harmony in life, we live a life of perpetual(emotional) struggles…because we are always swimming against the tide of our destiny.     Think along this line as you ‘x-ray’ the caliber of people that seem to come your way (mostly) in relationships.   Michelle was said to be doing much better than Obama (career wise) at a time but it would take a (then) struggling (not idle!) Obama coming into her life for her to find herself in a place of prominence in life. Her ‘career and education’ alone could not have earned her such a place in history…had she not accepted Obama (into her life) at the time she did.   Sometimes, it is not about today but tomorrow. The ‘struggling’ guy you are ‘managing’ in ...