Wednesday May 10 Bible Reading: Gen. 4: 1 - 12 Topic: Excellent Sacrifice Today, we see the way Cain and Abel brought their individual sacrifice to the Lord but God accepted the sacrifice of Abel and did not accept that of Cain. Heb. 11: 4 tells us that Abel offered a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain. The offering that Abel gave to the Lord is evidence of the fact that he was a righteous man. Sacrifices that God does not accept include: those that are not brought with a cheerful and willing heart, products of unrighteousness like stolen money, money made by fraudulent means or ungodly lifestyles e.t.c. God is not pleased with these sacrifices and does not accept them. If you want to offer an excellent sacrifice which God will honour, then 1. You must First give your life to Christ Jesus as your primary gift ...
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