Monday April 17 Bible Reading: Mark. 16: 1 - 13 Topic: Go And Tell Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome had had a difficult week. They had watched their Master and Teacher tortured, humiliated and hung on the Cross and finally buried. Very early on the first day of the week, these women left for the tomb with spices they had bought to anoint the Body of Jesus - as a sign of love, devotion and respect - just like bringing flowers to a grave today. They met an empty tomb and an Angel in a white robe who announced that Jesus was alive. "He has risen!" Jesus kept His promise to rise from the dead and this gives us assurance that we too will be resurrected. It also guarantees that He would keep His other promises to us. The Power that brought Jesus back to life is available to bring our morally and physically dead selves back to life. ...
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