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Showing posts with the label Mind

Daily Fountain 2017 - 1710 - Renew Your Mind

Tuesday October 17 Bible Reading:     Rom. 12: 1 - 2 Topic:                  Renew Your Mind The first two verses of Romans Chapter Twelve categorically state the need for every Christian to look into the mirror and re-examine themselves to see whether they are in line with God's Will and Pattern. Surprisingly, we find ourselves in a dilemma whereby the Church is becoming more worldly and the world is becoming more churchy. Many today have decided to conform to the world's ways than to seek God's Way. They want to be recognized in the Society rather than know the Will of God for them. Indeed there is a problem. In response to the ugly situation, Paul pleaded with the brethren to renew their minds for the sake of the Gospel. According to him, there are four cardinal steps to take to accomplish this First - we are to present our bodies ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Mind Of Christ

Friday September 15 (Holy Cross) Bible Reading:     Phil. 2: 5 - 11 Topic:                  The Mind Of Christ Today in our Church calendar, we commemorate the Holy Cross. The Cross upon which Jesus Christ was crucified. The Romans used crucifixion as a form of capital punishment for criminals. It was a most painful and humiliating experience. Jesus experienced it even though He was not a criminal. He bore the pain and shame because of our salvation and other priviledges associated with His death. No wonder the Cross is called THE HOLY CROSS. In Phil. 2, Paul taught that Jesus laid aside His rights and priviledges as God to become human. Having come to earth, He totally humbled Himself, took the form of a servant and in complete selflessness and obedience to His Father's will, He died on the Cross for our sins. For His humility, obedience...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Let There Be Light

Thursday May 4 Bible Reading:      Gen. 1 : 1 - 13 Topic:          Let There Be Light In the beginning, God spoke into darkness that covered the surface of the earth saying "let there be light" and light appeared. This darkness is not just ordinary darkness at night; it also signifies a troubled and confused state of mind, a life outside of Christ. This is why we can have uninterrupted power supply and yet live lives full of the darkness of sin The good news is that God can give you light through His Word. Psalm 119: 130 tells us that the entrance of God's Word light and His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Ps. 119: 105) We can speak God's Word into our dark situations and light will appear. John 8: 12 also tells us that Jesus is the Light of the world and if we follow Him, we will not walk in darkn...