Almighty Father, Immortal Redeemer, the Ancient of Days, the I Am that I Am, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Rose of Sharon, the Lilly of the Valley, Lord we thank You. For the opportunity of seeing this new day, we thank You. For our friends and families who also came into this new day, we thank You. Even for our enemies who You have allowed to come into this new day so that they can be witnesses to the wonderful things You are doing for us, we thank You. Oh Lord, we have named the Name of Christ but have not departed from iniquity, our sinfulness is right before us, we are ashamed that we are unable to keep ourselves as Holy as You would want us to because You are a Holy God and You demand that any who must come to You must be Holy too, Father we regret our mistakes and misdeeds and plead for Your kind forgiveness. We do not deserve to live because of Your wrath but we are alive because of Your tender mercies and love which You showed to us even before we knew th...
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