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Showing posts with the label Sovereignty

Daily Fountain 2017 - 0510 - Sovereignty Of God

Thursday October 5 Bible Reading:     Rom. 9: 14 - 23 Topic:                  Sovereignty Of God The fifteenth verse of today's passage which Paul quoted from Exodus 33: 19 seems as if God is partial, but there is no unrighteousness with God. Election is a product of grace, not of human effort or works. God is Sovereign in His Work and acts according to His Own Will and Purpose. So, it was not a matter of righteousness or justice, it is rather of the Sovereign Will of God. As the Sovereign God, He has the Right to show mercy to whoever He chooses. Infact he is not under any obligation to extend mercy to anyone. Therefore experiencing His mercy does not depend on man's desire. No one deserves or can earn God's mercy. God is Holy and must punish sin. He is loving and desires to save sinners If everybody is saved, it would deny His Holines...