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Showing posts with the label Happy New Month

Finally The Last Month Of The Year Is Here

  With the arrival of the last month of the year popularly called, known and addressed as December 2018 is on its way out. You may look back and wonder where the months have gone to because it all seemed like it was just but yesterday we welcomed it but if you really do a stock-taking, you'd see that it was quietly passing by even while you slept and woke up or rested from a stressful job or even played either for money or for fun. The bitter and sweet truth is that December is here and since the journey to the end of the year is forward-looking and backward never, we are heading to the end of 2018. I have a word for you today God has arranged it that you would be on this planet this day the 1st of December 2018. It is of His Own Grace and Mercy and not because of anything you have done or are doing or are planning to do. He is simply being God. He will also see you through this month and into the new month of the new year and far beyond man...