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Showing posts with the label Hymn

Hymn For Today - Sun251117 - At Thy Feet O Christ We Lay

At Thy Feet O Christ we lay Thine Own gift of this new day Doubt of what it holds in store Makes us crave Thine aid the more Lest it prove a time of loss’ Mark it Saviour with Thy Cross If it flow on calm and bright Be Thyself our Chief delight If it bring unknown distress Good is all that Thou canst bless Only while its hours begin Pray we keep them clear of sin We in part our weakness know And in part discern our foe Well for us before Thine  Eyes All our danger open lies Turn not from us while we plead Thy compassions and our need Fain would we Thy Word embrace Live each moment on Thy grace All ourselves to Thee consign Fold up all our wills in Thine Think and speak and do and be Simply that which pleases Thee Hear us Lord and that right soon Hear and grant the choicest boon That Thy joy can e’er impart Loyal singleness of heart So shall this and all our days Christ our God show forth Thy prais...

Hymn For Today - Sat251117 - Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound

1 Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see. 2 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved; how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed! 3 The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures. 4 Through many dangers, toils, and snares I have already come; 'tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. 5 When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, we've no less days to sing God's praise than when we'd first begun.

Hymn For Today - 2

Jesus lives thy terrors now Can O death no more appal us Jesus lives by this we know Thou O grave cans't enthral us Alleluia Jesus lives henceforth is death But the gate of life eternal This shall calm our trembling breath When we pass its gloomy portal Alleluia Jesus lives for us He died Then alone to Jesus living Pure in heart may we abide Glory to our Saviour giving Alleluia Jesus lives our hearts know well Nought from us His love shall sever Life nor death nor powers of hell Tear us from His keeping  ever Alleluia Jesus lives, to Him the Throne Over all the world is given May we go where He is gone Rest and reign with Him in Heaven Alleluia

Hymn For Today - 1

Alleluia Alleluia Alleluia The strife is oér, the battle done The triumph of the Lord is won Oh let the song of praise be sung Alleluia The powers of death have done their worst And Jesus hath His foes dispersed Let shouts of praise and joy outburst Alleluia He brake the bonds of death and hell The bars from Heaven’s high portals fell Let songs of praise His Triumph’s tell Alleluia     On that third morn He rose again Glorious in Majesty to reign Oh let us swell the joyful strain Alleluia Lord by the stripes which wounded Thee From death’s dread sting Thy servants free That we may live and sing to Thee Alleluia

Hymn For Today - 4

There is a green hill far away Without a city wall Where the dear Lord was crucified Who died to save us all We may not know, we cannot tell What pains He had to bear But we believe it was for us He hung and suffered there He died that we might be forgiven He died to make us good That we might go at last to Heaven Saved by His Precious Blood There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin He only could unlock the gate Of Heaven and let us in Oh dearly, dearly has He loved And we must love Him too And trust in His redeeming Blood And try His works to do

Hymn For Today - 3

Forgive them O My Father They know not what they do The Saviour spake in anguish As the sharp nails went through No pained approaches gave He To them that shed His Blood But prayer and tenderest pity Large as the love of God For me was that compassion For me that tender care I need His wide forgiveness As much as any there It was my price and hardness That hung Him on the Tree Those cruel nails O Saviour Were driven in by me And often I have slighted Thy Gentle Voice that chide Forgive me too Lord Jesus I know not what I did O depth of sweet compassion O Love Divine and True Save Thou the souls that slight Thee And know not what they do

Hymn For Today - 2

Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in Thee Let the Water and the Blood From Thy riven Side which flowed Be of sin the double cure Cleanse me from its guilt and power Not the labours of my hands Can fulfill Thy Law's demand Could my zeal no respite know Could my tears forever flow All for sin could not atone Thou must save and Thou Alone Nothing in my hand I bring Simply to Thy Cross I cling Naked come to Thee for dress Helpless look to Thee for grace Vile, I to the Fountain fly Wash me Saviour or I die While I draw this fleeting breath When mine eyelids close in death When I soar through tracks unknown See Thee on Thy Judgment Throne Rock of Ages cleft for me Let me hide myself in Thee

Hymn For Today - 1

When I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of Glory died My richest gain I count but loss And pour contempt on all my pride Forbid it Lord that I should boast Save in the Cross of Christ my Lord All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His Blood See, from His Head, His Hands, His Feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down Did e'er such love and sorrow meet Or thorns compose so rich a Crown Were the whole realm of nature mine That were an offering far too small Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all

Hymn For Today

O Holy Jesu, Prince of Peace Thy peace with us gathering round Thy Board Where the sweet Presence of an unseen Lord Waits to be gracious, charged with full release To every heavy laden soul which here remembers Thee Once more as in that upper room Thou Who didst love Thine Own unto the end Thou Whose dear Voice to every sorrowing friend Spoke the great promise through the deepening gloom Thou biddst us, Masterf of the Feast Today remember Thee And e'en in our hands we take Thy broken Bread, the precious Cup of Love Thy dying Testament, which from above Thou deignst ever new and fresh to make A Fount of grace and life to all We do remember Thee When stung by thoughts of sin and shame We scarce can dare to meet our Father's look Through these Thy signs we know that not rebuke But pardoning love is ours as in Thy Name We now present ourselves and here O Christ remember Thee Ours is the bond of ...

Hymn For Today

I could not do without Thee O Saviour of the lost Whose Precious Blood redeemed me At such tremendous cost Thy Righteousness, Thy pardon Thy Precious Blood must be My only hope and comfort My glory and my plea I could not do without Thee I cannot stand alone I have no strength or goodness No wisdom of my own But Thou Beloved Saviour Art All in all to me And weakness will be power If leaning hard on Thee I could  not do without Thee For oh the way is long And I am often weary And sigh replaces song How could I do without Thee I do not know the way Thou knowest and Thou leadest And wilt not let me stray I could not do without Thee O Jesu Saviour dear E'en when my eyes are holden I know that Thou art near How dreary and how lonely This changeful life would be Without the sweet communion The secret rest with Thee I could not do without Thee No other friend can read The Spirit's strange deep longings...

Hymn For Today

Now, Lord to every heart make known The Power of Jesus Cross alone Open the doors of mercy wide Lead us to Jesus crucified Oh, never be the words in vain Which testify a Saviour slain But may they by Thy grace applied Lead us to Jesus crucified Teach us our wretched state to know And lost in sin and guilt and woe To cast away all hope beside And cling to Jesus crucified Teach us to live to Him alone And after death, before Thy Throne May we in Thy blest Courts abide And sing a Saviour crucified

Hymn For Today

All Glory, Laud and Honour To Thee Redeemer King To Whom the lips of Children Made sweet Hossanas ring Thou are the King of Israel Thou David's Royal Son Who in the Lord's Name cometh The King and Blessed One     All Glory, Laud e.t.c. The Company of the Angels Are praising Thee on High And mortal men and all things Created, make reply       All Glory, Laud e.t.c. The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present      All Glory, Laud e.t.c. To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise To Thee in glory reigning Our melody we raise    All Glory, Laud e.t.c. Thou didst accept their praises Accept the prayers we bring Who in all good delightest Thou Good and Gracious King     All Glory, Laud e.t.c.

Hymn For Today

Praise my soul the King of Heaven To His Feet thy tribute bring Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven Who like me His praise should sing Alleluia, Alleluia Praise the Everlasting King Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress Praise Him still the same for ever Slow to chide and swift to bless Alleluia, Alleluia Glorious in His faithfulness Father-like He tends and spares us Well our feeble frame He knows In His Hands He gently bears us Rescues us from all our foes Alleluia, Alleluia Widely as His mercies flow Angels help us to adore Him Ye behold Him face to face Sun and moon bow down before Him Dwellers all in time and space Alleluia, Alleluia Praise with us the God of grace

Hymn For Today

Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the Throne Ten thousand thousand are their tongues But all our joys are one Worthy the Lamb that died they cried To be exalted thus Worthy the Lamb our lips reply For He was slain for us Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and Power divine And blessings more than we can give Be Lord for ever Thine Let all creation join in one To bless the Sacred Name Of Him that sits upon the Throne And to adore the Lamb

Hymn For Today

Jesu my Lord, my God, my All Hear me Blest Saviour when I call Hear me and from Thy Dwelling Place Pour down the riches of Thy grace Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu too late I Thee have sought How can I love Thee as I ought And how extol Thy matchless fame The glorious beauty of Thy Name Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu what didst Thou find in me That Thou hast dealt so lovingly How great the joy that Thou hast brought So far exceeding hope or thought Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more Jesu of Thee shall be my song To Thee my heart and soul belong All that I have or am is Thine And Thou Blest Savoiur, Thou are mine Jesu my Lord, I Thee adore O make me love Thee more and more