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Showing posts with the label Holy Week

Sunday Sermon - Palm Sunday

Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)                                     Diocese of Abuja                          Cathedral Church of the Advent Palm Sunday - Sunday 09 April 2017 Today's Sermon Theme:      "Characters Around The Cross" Topic:          The Crowd Today, the Christian world commemorates the triumphal entry of Christ into the city of Jerusalem. Palm Sunday brings us to exactly a week from the great feast of Easter when we celebrate the glorious resurrection of Christ from the grave. This was not the first entry of Christ into Jerusalem but His SEVENTH ...

Hurray!!!! It's Easter Sunday And Christ Is Risen

The fulfillment of the prophesy The final reconciliation of man to God For if Christ had not been raised from death, our belief would have been in vain but thank God for such a wonderful gift In resurrection, He gave us power over death, though the body may die, rot and turn to ash but the soul lives on and shall be reclothed with an eternal garment on the day of the Lord Easter is a STATEMENT completed when He said “for God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” This day, just BE NICE May God be praised Bless and be Blessed Today tell someone that "Christ is Risen" and let them reply to you "He is Risen indeed - Hallelujah" #IHIMBlog

Holy Saturday

My People Greetings of the new day. To God be all the glory great things He hath done for us especially for giving us life even for today, may His Name be forever magnified in Jesus Name – Amen. Yesterday we commemorated the ‘GOOD FRIDAY’ We remembered that Jesus asked for the cup to pass Him by, but also asked that the Will of God be done and since it was the Will of God that He suffer death in order to reconcile mankind to God, He accepted it without quavering. We remembered that Judas Iscariot finally sold His Master for 30 pieces of shekel and with a kiss and when He found out that it was no joke and the Master was actually arrested and humiliated, he went and hanged himself. We remembered that He Who could do “vanishing acts” refused to walk away when the Jews came for Him, He humbly followed them even as they insulted and assaulted Him. We remembered that Pontius Pilate in differing to the Sanhedrin and even in direct rejection of his wi...

Holy Thursday - Maundy Thursday

TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY Greetings of the new day. It pleased God to bring us back from sleep and for which we are extremely grateful It’s a Thursday, the 4th day in the Holy Week and we are still obliged to continue to keep it holy because of what Christ did for us in going up the Cross to die for us. Today we remember that the humble act of washing of the disciples' feet, we remember that the last Supper shall be served, we remember that it shall be made public who would betray Christ, we remember the agony in the Garden, we remember the arrest, the trial and the sentencing, we remember the curse that the Sanhedrin in their blind anger heaped upon themselves and the generations unborn, we remember all these and ask that God should help our unbelief As far as the Teachers of the law were concerned, Jesus erred by trying to outwit and outshine them and that can not be condoned As we remember to make this Holy week holy indeed, let’s refrain from ...

Holy Tuesday

                                          Holy Tuesday TO ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY Greetings of the new day. God has done it again, He woke me up from the no man’s land, He showed me mercy when I was deeply troubled. I am fully persuaded that He also did same to you, may His Name be glorified for ever. Amen It is Tuesday, the second day of this Holy Week. We are obliged to continue to keep it holy because of what Christ did for us in going up the Cross to die for us. Today we remember that an agreement had been reached between Judas and the Sanhedrin on how and when to arrest Jesus and bring Him to “judgement”. As far as the Teachers of the law were concerned, Jesus erred by calling Himself the Son of God and actually equating Himself with God (He said “I and My Father are One”) As we remember to make this Holy week holy indeed, let’s refrain from...

Holy Monday

Greetings of the new day to all my friends with the sure hope that God manifested His goodness to you and yours over the night in bringing you back to this land of the living so that you can continue to glorify His Name and testify to His goodness in your lives. May all Glory, Adoration, Honour, Power and Dominion be ascribed unto Him now and for ever – Amen. It is Monday, the beginning of the new week; and this week isn’t just any other week, it is the HOLY WEEK. The week we commemorate the passion of Jesus Christ as He went willingly and willfully to the Cross of Calvary to pay the price for OUR COLLECTIVE SINS. Today we remember that the Conspirators were busy arranging with Judas Iscariot who was to betray Jesus on how and when he was going to do that, Jesus of course knew what was going on but He did not stop it from happening because “it was for that reason that He came into the world” to save mankind from eternal destruction. As we remember to make thi...

It's The Palm Sunday

Greetings of the new day. And may all Honour, Power and Dominion be unto Him that has made it possible for us to be alive in the land of the living. It’s a Sunday and a special Sunday for that matter, it’s the PALM SUNDAY. On a day like this more than 2000 years ago Jesus the Christ rode into the Holy City Jerusalem in all His glory and the people were shouting Hosanna Hosanna to the Son of Jesse. They showed their “love” for Him and worshipped Him, casting their clothing and palm fronds on the ground that the Donkey (young ass) that Christ rode on may trod on. Palm Sunday is the commencement of the passion of Christ which is celebrated during the Holy Week. As we enter the Holy Week, may we share the pains of Christ and actually recognize that it was for our sakes that He passed through all that (He Who was sinless, brutalized and maltreated by sinful men for the sake of sinful men – Greater love really had no man than this) In this self centred world o...