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Showing posts with the label Tree

Daily Fountain 2017 - Our Seal

Tuesday August 1 Bible Reading:      Rev. 7: 1 - 8 Topic:                   Our Seal Our text opens with four Angels at the four corners of the earth. Their divine mandate heralds danger. The fifth Angel confirms this in v. 3 "Don't harm" The purpose of suspending the imminent harm is noteworthy "till we have sealed the servants of our God on their forehead" Verses 4 and 5 identify those sealed as representatives from the tribes of Israel, God's covenant people. The seals on their foreheads identify them as God's people and guarantee their preservation during the ensuing seven years of tribulation. So God's seal identifies His people for safety in times of danger. In Eph. 1: 13 - 14, Paul teaches us that as many as have received Christ into their lives as Lord and Saviour are "sealed with the Holy ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Abide And Be Blessed In Christ

Sunday June 25 Trinity 2 Bible Reading:      John. 15: 6 - 11 Topic:          Abide And Be Blessed In Christ 'To abide' means to stay, to continue in a place, to remain stable or fixed in some state or condition. 'to have one's abode, to dwell, to reside, to sojourn, to endure, to remain and to last' It is good for us to confess that we are Christians (Rom. 9: 10); but your character tells better the story. Your character develops over time as you abide in Christ. The life a Christian lives   is what helps him to develop a distinct character for himself. "Anyone who does not abide is cast out as a branch and is withered and thrown into the fire to burn" (v. 16) Abiding enables us to draw strength, grace, unction for godly living and every other good things from the Lord. Avoid the great danger of not abiding in Christ which predisposes us to the risk of being cut off as a dead ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Has God Said . . . . .?

Tuesday May 9 Bible Reading:      Gen. 3: 1 - 5 Topic:          Has God Said. . . . . .? Today's passage exposes satan as very cunning and the architect of the fall of man. He came with a cunning question which cleverly twisted the truth of the Word of God. He pretended to be on the side of the man and the woman   and tried to undermine God's Character with his cunning words. This is why Paul warned in 2 Cor. 11: 14 that satan transforms himself into the angel of light. Satan twisted the Word of God to deceive Eve and he tried the same trick with Jesus during His temptation when he misquoted God's promise of protection given in the Psalms in order to get Jesus to seek cheap popularity. Jesus was able to defeat him because He knew exactly what the Word of God said. Unfortunately today, many of us depend on the 'word of the man of God' than the Word of God. That ...