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Showing posts with the label Sabbath

Daily Fountain 2017 - Sun191117 - A Greater Need

Sunday November 19 Bible Reading:     John 5: 2 - 14 Topic:                  A Greater Need In today’s passage, Jesus encountered a man who had been ill for thirty-eight years and decided to end his ordeal (v. 6). The man was actually seeking an opportunity to be healed (v. 7), and Jesus spoke the word and healed him (vs. 8-9). The Jews reacted negatively to the man's healing as they accused him of working on the Sabbath day by carrying his bed (v. 10). Jesus, not done with the man, found him and told him to sin no more, so that something worse would not happen to him (v. 14). In this story, there were different needs. 1.      The sick man needed good health which God desires for us to enjoy (3 John v. 2); so the man’s desire was right. 2.      The Jews desired strict observance of the...

Daily Fountain 2017 - He Is Not Here, He Is Risen

Sunday April 16 Easter Sunday Bible Reading:      Matt. 28: 1 - 15 Topic:          He is Not Here, He Is Risen Early morning of the first day of the week after the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and the other women came to the tomb and it was EMPTY. The seal had been broken, the large stone laid over the tomb rolled away and the Body of the Lord that was laid in the tomb was no longer there. God had caused a violent earthquake and commissioned an Angel to roll back the stone and make way for the resurrection. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the central fact of the Christian faith, because as Paul said, without the resurrection, our faith is worthless; we will still be in our sins (1 Cor. 15: 15) and there will be no Christian Church today. Thank God Jesus rose from the dead for our salvation and justification. Anyone who puts his/her faith in the risen Christ will...