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Showing posts with the label Christian

Daily Fountain 2017 - 101117 - Practical Show Of Christian Love

Friday November 10 Bible Reading:     Eph. 4: 1 - 6 Topic:                  Practical Show Of Christian Love It is one thing to sing, preach and talk about love being the unbreakable cord that binds us together, but it is another thing altogether to demonstrate this love practically as the characteristic that identifies us as Jesus' Disciples (John 13: 34 - 35) There can be no true unity, no glorious hope for the future for the Body of Christ unless we subject our egos and personal ambitions to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the interest of the Church and our witness for Him. This requires us to have the Mind of Christ (Phil. 2: 5 - 11) without which we exhibit the works of the flesh (Gal. 5: 19 - 21) In Rom. 12: 3 - 8, Paul enjoins Christians not to think more highly of themselves as they ought to but to rather encourage one another to discov...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Be A Caring Christian

Friday March 24 Bible Reading:      Matt. 27: 55 - 56 Topic:          Be A Caring Christian Caring is simply attending to the welfare of another person or reaching out to others in need. It goes beyond sympathy which is feeling sorry for the person, to actually doing something to alleviate their need. It is love in action, exemplified by God Himself when He sent His only begotten Son to die for the sins of the world (Jn. 3: 16) The women mentioned in yesterday's reading ministered to the physical needs of Jesus and His disciples out of their substance (Lk. 8: 3) In the passage today they exhibited their love and care for Jesus by following Him even to the cross at Calvary. They did that to reciprocate Jesus' love to them as mentioned in Gal. 6: 6 - " Let him who is taught the word shall in all good things with him who teaches" Every ge...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Never Give Up

Thursday January 12th Bible Reading:      Heb. 6: 1 - 12 Topic:          Never Give Up Hebrews 5: 11 - 14 clearly stated that we grow and mature spiritually as we enjoy the solid food of the Word of God. Therefore in today's passage, the writer insists that they should leave basic doctrines behind and move on to deeper issues of the Christian life. He desired for them to move on to maturity which would protect them from the dangers of apostasy. Since we are in the last days, it is imperative that we heed this warning and strive to grow into maturity. No matter how far you have fallen, the Bible tells us that a righteous person gets up as many times as he falls down. A genuine child of God will not be content to remain in sin as the Holy Spirit's work of preserving us in faith until He presents us to God the Father, will see to it that we get up ...

It's The 1st Sunday In March

Friends and Brethren The Scripture  moveth us in sundry places to acknowledge and abide by the Ordinances of God one of which is that we should observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy. I know that there are raging arguments over whether Sunday can actually be the Sabbath of the Lord. And in any argument, there are always the pros and the cons. However for the purpose of this write up, we are leaning on the Spiritual insights into the happenings in the Time of Christ as recorded in the Scriptures, from the day that Jesus Christ resurrected (the 1st day of the week) to the day He ascended (the 1st day of the week) to the day of purification when the Holy Ghost fell on the disciples as they were gathered together (the 1st day of the week), to give this brief exhortation. This is the 1st Sunday of the month of March and it is a special Sunday because God had commanded that we do not neglect the assembling of the Saints together and in this very busy world, Sunday...