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Showing posts with the label Healing the Cripple

Daily Fountain 2017 - What We Have, We Give You

Thursday June 8 Bible Reading:      Acts 3: 1 - 10 Topic:          What We Have, We Give You In today's text, we read about the crippled beggar at the Temple's gate. He had never walked but depended on others to help carry him to the Temple's gate to receive benevolence daily. He must have lost all hope of ever being able to walk. He probably didn't ever pray for that. He knew and learned only one thing to beg for alms from the passersby. Peter and John were going to the Temple at the hour of prayer one day and the beggar asked them for alms. Peter replied the man 'Look at us" Paying attention and listening carefully to the message of God through His servants is very important, if we are to receive from God. For the man to give his attention and receive from them, he needed FAITH in action. "So then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God" (Ro...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Hailing Or Nailing Jesus

Wednesday April 26 Bible Reading:      Acts 2: 22 - 39 Topic:          Hailing Or Nailing Jesus The promise of Jesus in Acts 1: 8 is fulfilled in today's text. After the Pentecost, Peter's first message to a crowd brought in three thousand souls that repented. How did this happen? Peter was straight and forthright in his message. The crux of Peter's message was that Jesus Whom the Jews despised and crucified was indeed the Messiah God had sent to them. Peter went on to show how God endorsed Jesus as the Messiah through the miracles He performed and His death and resurrection yet the Jews for whom He came conspired to kill Him. Touched by the message and its indictment a good number of Peter's listeners sought forgiveness through repentance and baptism. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God" (Rom. 3: 23) You were not there when the Jews crucified Jesu...