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He Gave Me A Fresh Sheet


I wondered why I was in the queue of accused at all

I am intelligent, aggressive, young, Totally committed to my God.

What am I doing here ?with this sheet of supposed sins in my hand I wondered

I don’t drink, I don't smoke, I don’t fornicate, I don’t steal, I am righteous. Others should be here not me.

It was finally my turn to face the Man.

I placed my sheet before Him, He glanced at it and sighed softly.

He looked at me and calmly said,
‘Guilty of idol worship'

Imagine my anger, my fury, My indignation, I jumped out of the chair and said ‘Of course not! Check the sheet again, check the name, It can't be mine’

He sighed again and mentioned one of my names that no one knows
I would not be stopped. It's impossible’ I yelled. I worship only God, the Most High, Maker of heaven and earth, The king of kings and Lord of Lords.
I bow down to none, I have no talisman, no amulet, No pot underneath my bed.

‘You are guilty of idol worship’ He repeated calmly

He looked at me
I looked at Him
It seemed like forever. The room was silent.

I could hear the clock ticking

Then slowly I understood:

I am never late for my British Airway flights but I am always late to church
-I blinked -

My payments to unfaithful PHCN and water board are never late but I haven’t paid my tithes in three months
-I looked down-,

When meeting one of our local chiefs last week I would not even pick a call in the presence of earthly royalty, but I WhatsApp in church
-I swallowed-.

I wouldn’t interrupt my performance appraisal with my boss for anything but I missed church last week because of a film on TV
-I squirmed uncomfortably-

I wouldn’t let a day end without talking to my spouse but today I just said Hi God, Bye God
And I didn’t even pray last night
-The room began to feel hot-

I would never miss going to the bank because of the weather but I missed fellowship of Wednesday because it looked really cloudy.
-It seems the AC in the room wasn’t working-

I would wear my party colors to party meetings and not care what anyone thought of me but I hate to talk to my workmates about God because of what they will think of me.
-Someone should fix this AC or put it on 0 because 10 was too hot for me-

I always have the latest tech toy you can think of but my bible is so worn I cant even find Jude anymore

-I wished the Man would get a call and leave but He doesn’t allow anything to interrupt when He is with His children.-

I felt so hot in the room, a nervous sweat on my forehead, I felt so ill and weak, all of my anger and self righteousness was gone, leaving immense guilt in its wake.

I slowly got of the chair and knelt by His feet and said

‘I am sorry, I am guilty as charged, Guilty of idol worship, guilty of placing others; humans, toys; before You. I am guilty of idol worship’

He smiled gently, looked at me with those passionate eyes of His full of love and He gave me a fresh sheet!


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