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The Story Of The Holy Birth

The story of redemption or salvation of mankind started when man derailed in the Garden of Eden and caused God to chase him away with a curse.

The blood of ewe lambs and of goats and hens e.t.c. was not enough to atone for the sin of disobedience, atonement required the undiluted and pure blood of a man who had no sin; and since no man conceived by the meeting of a man and a woman was without sin, God had to come down to earth in the person of His Own Son Who was blameless and sinless, in order to redeem mankind.

And so it happened that a pious Virgin in the city of Galilee named Nazareth was found fit to conceive this Holy Child and the Angel Gabriel was sent to break the news to her; naturally she was overwhelmed and asked how that was to be since she knew not man and the Angel replied "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the Highest shall overshadow thee, therefore also that which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God"

And when a decree was promulgated by the reigning Monarch Caesar Augustus that "all the world should be taxed" Joseph took his heavily pregnant wife Mary to Bethlehem in Judea his native place and while there, Mary's time became due and to accomplish God's Word, "she brought forth her FIRSTBORN son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger because there was no room for them in the Inn"

And the Angel of the Lord went to the company of Shepherds who were keeping watch over their flock by night and broadcast the good news to them  "For unto you is born this day  in the city of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord" and the Scripture records that "And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host praising God and saying, Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men."

And since the birth of Jesus the Christ of God, man's story changed from that of eternal condemnation to that of eternal salvation.

Let Him bring peace to your heart and your soul today

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP

