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God Is Not A Partial God


God Is Not A Partial God


I want to say something to someone today and that is the title of this message - God is not a partial God.

Every day that the Sun rises, it does not rise for certain people that God loves more than others, it rises for all (including even those who don't believe in the existence of God)

Every night that the Moon shines, it does not shine for a select group of persons who God loves most, it shines for all irrespective of their religious affiliations including those who have no religion.

The 4 seasons happen for all inhabitants of the earth - there is no discrimination.

Life happens to all irrespective of our belief system. Good things happen to bad people and bad things happen to good people. Evil people prosper as much if not much more than good hearted people - Is that God's doing?

You see, whenever you see someone doing something exceptional, something extraordinary it is not about luck, it is not about favour, it's not even grace. God is not selective with grace, He made His Grace so abundant and ubiquitous for anyone to draw to the maximum quantum and yet cannot draw it all and this has nothing to do with whether they believe in God or not

Every man born of a woman, and every woman conceived and given birth to by another woman is a child of grace and also a child of favour simply because they survived all the convolutions that happened at fertilization and the eventual pregnancy to get here alive -  they did not die in the uterus and came out dead, they were not aborted despite all attempts made to do so - so we all are children of grace and favour.

God's grace and favour were already invested in you at conception and so you are born into this world filled with them but then what you do with them is your gift back to God.

And one way you can actually give back to God is being disciplined by and in yourself.

Personal discipline is an investment that yields bounteous dividends

When the Apostle Paul said and wrote "I can do ALL THINGS through Christ that strengthens me" he was not talking about grace as most of us misinterpret it - he was talking about discipline and that's why he advised that whatever we do, we must be temperate in doing them - we must do them with moderation - that is discipline.

And so God may have favourites ( and it is you that chooses Him) but He does not play favouritism

Every day I read people's profile updates - some like "I am Gods favourite son or daughter"  'When Grace arrives, all protocols are kept at bay", "I am a product of grace" e.t.c

Yes, these are positive statements and affirmations (just as I teach them), they are also expressions of positive mindedness.

However if your positive mindedness does not lead you to take inspired actions on the opportunities that drop on your laps on daily basis, my dear you need to find another niche.

And so when you see someone who has done or is doing something extraordinary, something exceptional, it only means that he has disciplined himself so much as to appropriate to himself loads of the grace of God and thus put himself in the position to be called God's favourite son.

You too can do likewise

Go do it

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP



  1. God is indeed good to all his creatures. Thank you for the great reminder.

    1. His Goodness is unquestionable and His mercies endureth for ever

  2. God is not partial 🤗🤗

  3. You have undoubtedly articulated and represented the facts and principles in their order of precedents. Truth is one no matter how anyone may try or attempt to paint it with crayons to save his or misgivings. This truth is the message that you have given unto us this day and I pray it grows and multiplies. Thank you Sir for sharing your thoughts and remain richly blessed.

  4. Exactly. God is always Just, we are the ones who can be either just or unjust to ourselves or to our neighbours.
    Simply out, we real the harvest of whatever we sow in life!


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