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Showing posts from August, 2017

Christ Is Enough

Thursday August 31 Bible Reading:      Col. 2: 1 - 15 Topic:                   Christ Is Enough Those who join secret societies are lured into it with promises of special knowledge and wisdom available to those outside the groups. It was the same in Colosse, for false teachers had come to convince them with persuasive words that they needed mysteries outside of Christ. Paul wrote to challenge these false teachings, reiterating that the believer needs nothing outside of Christ because all the fullness of the Godhead resides in Him. He called these new teachings empty deceit (v. 8) and admonished the believers to be rooted and built up in Christ (v. 6), so that no one would lead them astray. Christ is enough for anyone who believes because by His death, He triumphed over the devil and all demonic powers and publ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Mystery Made Plain

Wednesday August 30 Bible Reading:      Col. 1: 24 - 29 Topic:                   Mystery Made Plain Mystery is a truth not previously revealed. In Scripture, it is something hidden from man which God has graciously revealed through His Apostles and Prophets. V. 26 talks of the mystery that has now been made known to the saints. One such mystery is the Church which was not known in the Old Testament period. The Church started on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles to empower them to be Jesus' witnesses on earth. The mystery referred to in v. 27 is the truth that Christ in the heart of someone is the Hope of Glory. Vs. 28 - 29 deal with the need to follow up new converts and to ensure they grow up to maturity. Some people do not know that Christ is willing to live in their hearts. Jesus will ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Who Is Jesus Christ

Tuesday August 29 Bible Reading:      Col. 1: 15 - 23 Topic:                   Who Is Jesus Christ? Consider these important attributes of Christ 1.       He is the Image of the Invisible God (v. 15); that is the exact representation of God (Heb. 1: 3; John 14: 9) 2.       He is the First born over all creation (v. 16), the Unique Son of God 3.       He created all things for Himself (v. 16) 4.       He existed before all creation and sustains the universe (v. 17) 5.       He is the Head of the Church (v. 18) 6.       He has Pre-eminence in everything, being the First to rise from the dead (v. 18) 7.       The Fullness...

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Model For Praying For The Saints Militant

Monday August 28 Bible Reading:      Col. 1: 1 -1 4 Topic:                   A Model For Praying For The Saints Militant "Saints" are not those canonized by a Church or Christians who have died but all those who have been made right with God through the sacrifice of Christ. This is why Paul called the believers who were alive in the Church at Colosse, saints. We learn from him that when we pray for ourselves and other Christians we should: 1.       Be thankful to God for them and for ourselves 2.       Intercede on their behalf that they may understand God's Will (v. 9); live to please God and bear spiritual fruit (v. 10) grow in patience, joy and endurance (v. 11); be grateful to God Who made us heirs of His Kingdom when he delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of ...