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Showing posts from March, 2017

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Blessedness Of Suffering

Friday March 31 Bible Reading:      1 Peter 3: 18 - 22 Topic:          The Blessedness Of Suffering Suffering is not pleasure. It is painful and agonizing to human soul and spirit especially where one suffers unjustly. But the Scripture says "it is better, if it is God's will to suffer doing good than for doing evil" (v. 17) Jesus Christ exemplified this truth in the way, He suffered unjustly in order to procure human salvation (v. 18) This endurance of godly suffering earned Him a Name above all other names (Phil. 2: 8-10) and a place at the Right Hand of God with angels, principalities and powers in submission to Him (v. 22) Beloved what are you going through? Are you being punished unjustly? Are you being persecuted in the office or family because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ or your unyielding stance for the truth? Remember that there is blessing when you suffe...

Daily Fountain 2017 - A Good Conscience

Thursday March 30 Bible Reading:      1 Peter 3: 13 - 17 Topic:          A Good Conscience Christianity is a way of life than a religion. Though we are   in this world we are not of the world (John. 17: 16) God's standard is that Christians should be role models in everything good. even when we are maliciously criticized and persecuted (vs. 14 - 16) We are to maintain a good conscience, that is an inner commitment to Christ (v. 15a). In Acts 4: 36 - 37. Joseph (surnamed Barnabas) stood out as a man of honesty, good conscience and a cheerful giver towards the work of the Lord. On the contrary Ananias and Sapphirah (of the same Church) (Acts. 5: 1 - 5) compromised their faith on the altar of greed and deceit. This cost them their lives. Beloved, if the Lord examines you today, would you be seen to have a good conscience? or would He uncover things for which you ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Incorruptible Beauty - II

Wednesday March 29 Bible Reading:      1 Peter 3: 8 - 12 Topic:          Incorruptible Beauty (II) Yesterday, the Lord revealed to us that the beauty which comes from the "hidden person of the heart" is incorruptible, radiates in a person's life and attracts people to the Lord Jesus Christ. This beauty primarily comes from the heart. Jesus said "a good man brings good things out of the good stored   up in his heart and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh" Lk. 6: 45 This means that our words and actions are largely determined by our thought pattern. Either we curse or bless, it comes from the heart. For your hidden man of the heart to be beautiful, you must experience a transformation or renewal of your mind (Rom. 12: 2) These practical steps must be taken. We achieve this by ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Incorruptible Beauty (I)

Tuesday March 28 Bible Reading:      1 Peter 3: 1 - 7 Topic:          Incorruptible Beauty (I) Beauty describes the appealing appearance of someone or something. Apart from natural beauty like that of flowers, most times beauty is a product of conscious arrangement of things in proper order. For men or women, it is the "outward arranging of the hair, wearing of gold, putting on of fine apparel e.t.c. but, after some time, this beauty fades, gets corrupted or out of fashion" Our text today speaks of a beauty that is incorruptible, which comes from the inward man and radiates the life of a Christian. This beauty is borne out of a life of gentleness, submissiveness and a quiet spirit. It does not become corrupted or out of fashion, rather it attracts people to the Lord through you. It has the capacity of winning people to Christ (1 Cor. 7: 16) Many marriages today are fa...

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Place Of Love And Submission In Marriage

Monday March 27 Bible Reading:      Eph. 5: 21 - 33 Topic:          The Place Of Love And Submission In Marriage Today's passage considered the Christian blueprint for marriage because in it, Paul gave instructions on how marriage should built in Christ. He compared marriage to a relationship between Christ and the Church. The man should model his love for his wife on the sacrificial love of Christ for His Church for which He gave His Life. The woman should submit to her husband even as the Church submits to Christ as her Lord. It is the wife that needs love because of her tender heart. Apostle Peter explains why the wife should submit to her husband (1 Pet. 3: 1 - 6) Through submission, unbelieving husbands could be won to Christ when they observe their chaste conducts. For any marriage to thrive and succeed as God intended, eac...