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This Sister Said No And God Moved Her Upwards

‘’I remember a conversation that I had with an elderly man sometime back. I complained that it is becoming increasingly challenging for a young lady to get what she wants in this environment-with legs closed. Someone would always demand a THANK YOU in kind-even when you are being offered what you merited. The man took a second look at me and told me that it all boils down to how strong my convictions and values are but most importantly-how sincere my resolve to live above board is.
I took those words home. But it didn’t take long before time came for me to prove my resolve.
No, the temptation didn’t come from ‘the world’.
It came from the church!
I was personally introduced to a priest (a family man in his 50s)-to help with my job hunting.
I warmed up to the man. DADDYing him all over the place and Running his errands too.
When I saw a job opening somewhere, I thought he could use his influence to put in a word for me. The organization has links to the church.
He promised to do so. But I also noticed something in his demeanour towards me.
Today he would say ‘come and hug me’ when I enter his office.
The next day, he would attempt rubbing my buttocks or pressing his chest against mine.
He always gave me weekly stipends for my upkeep.
At a time, I even begged him to introduce me to a husband material from the church…maybe marriage will make life easy for me.
The man said to me ‘’I have to see what that place (my ‘down there’) looks like first’’.
I was dying inside of me but I was new in town, no job, and really struggling to feed.
As the New Year came, I made a resolve…that all that ‘rubbing and pressing’ have to stop.
If God doesn’t see it fit to assist me-despite my academic excellence…so be it.
So, I began to make myself unavailable to the Priest.
I started going to places to submit my CVs. Most times, I would go help out at somebody’s office-just to beat idleness.
Just four weeks ago. I received a call from an organization-offering me immediate employment.
You won’t believe that the job (graphics design) that I did to ‘pass time’ earned me a recommendation and immediate employment.
I have since started working and enjoying the experience. But the bitter taste of my experience with the ‘man of God’ is yet to leave my mouth.
Reason I want to use this medium to share a few lessons (that I have learned in life) with fellow ladies.
*Absolute faith in God still works like magic.
*If you are trusting God…please don’t compromise your values. Just work hard. And leave the rest to HIM.
*Always prepare as if your employment letter/invitation to interview will arrive anytime.
*Making efforts to hone your skill helps…even if you have to work for free. It will be like a dream…when your efforts begin to pay off.
*Stay humble. Humility can take you places. Don’t be too arrogant to learn…I am a staff here but I make my colleagues feel like my teachers, because I learn so much from them.
*Anybody that seriously wants to assist you doesn’t need to ‘rub and press’ your body to do that. Unless you are that kind of lady.
*If that prayer is not answered yet, it’s either-God has a better option for you or it’s not yet HIS time.
*Do not place your hope in anybody-more than you have faith in God’’

Written by:  Chukwuneta Obiageli


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