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Showing posts from May, 2017

Daily Fountain 2017 - Divine Visitation

Wednesday May 31 Visit of the Blessed Virgin Mary Bible Reading:      Luke 1: 31 - 56 Topic:          Divine Visitation What makes the difference in the life of a person is God's interest in it. The interest God showed in the life of Blessed Virgin Mary was what made her a special person. God's divine visitation upon her life changed her life story forever. The Angel visited her and told her that God had favoured her to be the Mother of God's Son (v. 35) and also informed her that he relative Elizabeth had conceived in her old age. God knows how to put a smile on our faces especially when we are going through difficult times. Mary's visitation to Elizabeth helped both her and Elizabeth to confirm the will of God upon their lives and share fellowship. God who remembered Mary and Elizabeth will also remember you. Through His Divine Visitation, you will be placed in a...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Be Alert In The Spirit

Tuesday May 30 Bible Reading:      2 Kings 2: 7 - 18 Topic:          Be Alert In The Spirit We often express desires but lack the courage to carry them through into action. Elisha knew what he wanted from his Master and was determined to obtain it. He left everything to follow Elijah even when one could describe the action as reckless courage (1 Kings 19: 19 - 21). Crossing the river Jordan without knowing how he would return was enough to prove to Elijah that he was highly determined and so after Elijah asked him to make his request (v. 9) Elisha's request for the double portion of his Master's Spirit proved that he desired to continue and go higher in the spiritual footsteps of Elijah. He saw Elijah taken up - which was the condition for the blessing - and he received what he asked for. God sees our hearts, knows when we are serious in our prayer request and the faith with...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Do The Right Thing

Monday May 29 Bible Reading:      2 Kings 1: 1 - 10 Topic:          Do The Right Thing Anything in life that takes one away from God invariably brings the person closer to the devil. We are at the greatest risk when we allow sin or evil practices to separate us from God. King Ahaziah set a very bad example in today's reading. He neglected the God of Israel and went to consult Baalzebub, the god of Ekron for his health challenges. God did not take this act of unbelief and stubborn idolatory lightly and sent Elijah to deliver His message to the King. Through Elijah, God told him that what he feared would come upon him, he would not recover from his illness, instead of repenting and asking for God's help, he became confrontational and by so doing brought doom to his messengers. Today, many of us are like Ahaziah, consulting different types of gods in times of challenges...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Build Your Confidence

Sunday May 28 (Sunday after Ascension) Bible Reading:      Rev. 1: 9 - 20 Topic:          Build Your Confidence Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has overcome the world. He is the First and the Last (v. 11). He has the key to hades and death, so you don't have anything to fear as a Christian. Every assurance that builds faith and confidence has been given to us. We are in safe hands and our future and hope are very secure so long as we remain in Him. In v. 11, the risen Christ instructed John to record everything he was shown and send it to the seven Churches of Asia. God expects us to keep records. He expects us to extend the Good News to others so that they can know His expectations from His people Don't be afraid Don't be intimidated by death, Jesus Christ our Advocate holds the key of death. Without His permission, you will not die. Again don't be afraid...