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Daily Fountain 2017 - You Are My Witnesses

Thursday                       25th
(Ascension Day)

Bible Reading:     Acts. 1: 1 - 11
Topic:         You Are My Witnesses

It is very clear from the opening verse of Acts. 1 that Jesus did what He taught.

Can that be said of us today as Christians?

In Romans 2: 21, Paul challenged the Jews: "You therefore, who teach another, do you teach yourself? You who preach a man should not steal, do you steal?

It is evil for one to do in secret what one condemns in public

Up till this point, the disciples had not gotten their priorities right. They were still expecting Jesus to establish an earthly Kingdom of Israel, they asked whether He would not drive out the Romans and give them political freedom (v. 6)

Jesus re-ordered their priorities by reiterating their assignment which was to preach to the world about Him and make disciples.

He gave instruction that they should wait for the gift of the Power of the Holy Spirit to help them achieve this task.

Our primary assignment as Christians, whether we are ordained or laity is to be Jesus' witnesses wherever we find ourselves in our daily pursuits. Everything else is secondary and eternity will judge the usefulness of our stay here as citizens of God's Kingdom in light of how well we carried out that assignment.


Lord help me to be a productive citizen of Your Kingdom, Amen

Memory Verse:   Acts. 1: 8

"But ye shall receive Power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you; and ye shall be witnesses unto Me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth"

Source:     The Daily Fountain
(The Daily Devotional Guide of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion)
