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Showing posts from April, 2017

Sunday Sermon Summary - 2nd Sunday After Easter

Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion)                                     Diocese of Abuja                          Cathedral Church of the Advent 2nd Sunday after Easter - Sunday 30 April 2017 Today's Sermon Theme:      Knowing Christ "The I AM Sayings of Jesus" Topic:          The Light Of The World Text:            John 8: 12 - 20 (Key Text: John 8: 12) Summary: In John 8: 12 Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and said "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life...

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Order Of Resurrection

Sunday April 30 Second Sunday After Easter Bible Reading:      1 Cor. 15: 20 - 28 Topic:          The Order Of Resurrection Yesterday we saw that the resurrection of the dead is real. Today, Paul adds another dimension with regard to who will be raised, why and how! He links the resurrection of the dead to the second coming of Christ. He distinguishes between those in Adam (all of humanity who inherited Adam's sin nature) and those in Christ. As long as one remains in that state, he is appointed to die once and after that judgment (Heb. 9: 27) As for those who are in Christ, Gal. 3: 26 - 27 says they will be raised for eternal dwelling with Jesus when He comes again. Every Christian has passed through death into life in this life because he has been buried with Jesus and subsequently raised with Him, in order to walk in hope of a bodil...

Daily Fountain 2017 - The Resurrection Of The Dead

Saturday April 29 Bible Reading:      1 Cor. 15: 12 - 19 Topic:          The Resurrection Of The Dead A very important part of the Apostles/Nicene Creed which are part of our Anglican Liturgy is our belief in the resurrection of the dead. We believe this because Jesus said it (John 5: 28 - 29); 11: 25 - 26) and Paul taught it as a central theme of our faith. Jesus became the First of those to be raised never to die again. Paul was upset that some fake teachers in Corinth taught that there is no other resurrection of the dead. In our text today, Paul argues that 1.       If there's no resurrection of the dead, then Jesus was not raised and we are still in our sins 2.       If Jesus did not rise, then the foundation of our faith and preaching is baseless and those who attested to the resurrection of Christ ...

Daily Fountain 2017 - Stephen's Defence

Friday April 28 Bible Reading:      Acts 7: 42 - 60 Topic:          Stephen's Defence Stephen one of the seven Deacons of the early Church was brought to the Jewish Council on trumped-up charges of blaspheming God, Moses and the Temple. His accusers were Jews from the Synagogue of the Freedmen who were not able to withstand his spirit-filled preaching of Jesus in his defence. Stephen challenged the unbelief of his people especially their leaders through a detailed account of their rejection of God and His messengers throughout their history. Their love for God was proved to be shallow because they did not obey the Word of God. He concluded that their belief in their traditions was always stronger than their love for God, hence their rebellious actions against Jesus. Though they knew that Stephen's testimony against them was true, they took him out of the city and killed him. ...