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Daily Fountain 2017 - Wounded For Me

Friday April 14
Good Friday

Bible Reading:     Matt. 27: 32 - 54

Topic:         Wounded For Me

Crucifixion is the most painful and shameful way to execute a criminal.

Condemned criminals in the time of our Lord were forced to carry their own crosses to the execution site wearing a placard around their neck with the inscription of their crimes.

That placard was then hung over their head on the cross.

Though in severe anguish, Jesus refused to take the mixed drink that would alleviate His pain.

He wanted to drink the cup of Father for the salvation of mankind in full.

He endured the mockery of the Chief Priests and passers-by and prayed for forgiveness for those who crucified Him.

There was an actual moment of separation from God when He fully carried on Himself the sins of the world because God's eyes are too pure to behold iniquity.

This historic event was marked by darkness over the land, violent earthquake that opened graves, the rending of the veil that separated the holy of holies from the rest of the Temple.

Jesus' sacrifice liberated humanity from sin and opened a new way to the presence of God.

He died that we may live.

Accept what He did on your behalf and become a child of God today, that is if you have not already done so. (John 1: 12)


Lord Jesus, thank You for everything you have done for my sake, Amen

Memory verse:   Matt. 27 : 54

"Now when the Centurion and they that were with him, watching Jesus saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly saying Truly, this was the Son of God"

Source:     The Daily Fountain
(The Daily Devotional Guide of the Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion)


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